[This post was written by Alaina, a freshman majoring in dietetics... Here she's pictured with three (or four?) other girls at our recent barn dance!] Going into college, I was told that making genuine, kind-hearted friends (who are good influences) would be the hardest thing I would do. Seeing as U of I is so huge, and known as one of the top party schools in the nation, I guess you could say I was pretty terrified about finding the right crowd. Especially because only months before I was scheduled to leave for college, I accepted Christ as my savior. I needed friends that would care not only for me, but for my newly budding spiritual growth as well. So, to recap: I wanted to find Christian friends at a public, partying university… ASAP. Ya right… was the only thing I could think. So, I prayed about it. I prayed that God would guide my steps and lead me to friends and a community that would glorify Him; I placed all my trust and cast all my anxieties on Him… And I waited. Then, like God was laying a map down for me to follow, I stumbled upon Navs on Quad day. I recalled a recommendation to join them, so I practically ran over to sign up. The group’s enthusiasm and hearts for Christ were so evident. I was sure that this was where God wanted me to be. Months later, I can say (with a relaxed, joy-filled heart) that Navs has been my family away from home. Everyone here is so accepting and I feel like not only am I cared about, but my spiritual journey is cared about as well. From small group Bible studies to Nav Night to just hanging out, Navs is all about what I've been searching for; "to know Christ and make Him known." The Lord has truly blessed me with such an enriched environment and with all kinds of people to continue to grow closer to Him. Today, I sing praises around campus! I know I will continue to grow closer to God because here, I can! Thanks be to God for my blessed soul!! I cannot wait to see what more He has in-store! “You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy, that I might sing praises to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever!” Psalm 30:11-12
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It might be different
We want to involve our ministry partners, U of I parents, and other interested friends in what God is doing here! We write to bring God praise - and to encourage YOU!